iPhone Application Development For Windows.

Since Apple has restricted iPhone App development to Mac Only, Windows Developers have no way to show their talent. The Reason for the Development restriction on Windows is simply because creating a Windows Based SDK is too much work for Apple. Apple is based primarily on Objective C while Windows uses C Plus Plus. To Convert all the Source Code is a Daunting Task. It is much simpler for Apple to tell Windows Users to buy a Mac.
However Windows Developers haven't given up. WinChain is a project launched to allow Windows Users to Create iPhone Apps. But requires Objective C Knowledge. Which in most cases is relatively new to a Windows User.
What if we could use native C Plus Plus to create iPhone Apps? Guess what? You Can! DragonFireSDK is a new Windows Based iPhone Development Kit. DragonFireSDK's C++ layer calls Objective-C functions for high speed efficiency. It is very easy to create 2D games!
DragonFireSDK is still in Beta Testing. So you can get a free Beta Copy at the Website.
When the Kit is Officially Launched it is due to cost $49.95. This is A great Opportunity. They will only take limited Beta Testers.